Looking Forward – 2013

What We’re Looking Forward to in 2013

  • Successful reintroduction of native bobwhite quail into the Long Pond Greenbelt.
  • Providing a scholarship for a local child to attend the Group for the East End’s summer camp program.
  • Supporting Kevin Heine’s Eagle Scout project (Sag Harbor Troop 455) in the Long Pond Greenbelt.
  • Completion of the Accabonac Protection Committee grassland documentary including Vineyard Field.
  • Bringing the “Learning the Secrets of the Meadow” program to additional schools in the area.
  • Successful assembly of the infamous deer skeleton.
  • Completing year #8 of our grasslands restoration project in Vineyard Field.
  • Collaborating with local groups and schools to educate the public about the Long Pond Greenbelt.
  • Working with Suffolk County Parks to repair Bluebird and Purple Martin boxes at Poxabogue Park.
  • Continuing our successful hikes, clean ups, sky watch nights, pond testing and annual LPG celebration.