Poxabogue Petition Update . . . and more!

We send a big Thank You for being one of the 196 people who signed the petition asking the Southampton Town Board to help safeguard the water quality of Poxabogue Pond by changing the use at adjacent Poxabogue Field from agriculture to open space. A double thank you to those who took the time and trouble to write directly to the board members and town supervisor.

We were inspired by how quickly and in how many numbers you responded to the call for support. Thank you so much for rising to action on behalf of the beautiful Long Pond Greenbelt.

Sorry to report, though, it’s not going to happen. We wish we could say that your many voices and letters and phone calls have convinced the board, but it has become clear that a resolution to change the designated use of Poxabogue Field will not be forthcoming.

On the other hand, a compromise is coming together. While we remain steadfast in our view that the highest and best use of the eight-acre Poxabogue Field is to leave it in its natural state, a compromise developed by the Peconic Land Trust in conjunction with Cornell Cooperative Extension has been put forward as an alternative to traditional agricultural use, and the FLPG board has voted to collaborate on the undertaking. It’s a demonstration project with two primary goals: first, to showcase vegetative buffers for use on shorelines to curb nutrient-rich surface water runoff into adjacent waterways and second, to demonstrate regenerative agricultural practices that improve soil health and the ability of the land to absorb nitrogen and other nutrients before they enter the groundwater. Details have not yet been officially presented to the Town Board, but we will update you when the plan moves forward.

Challenges keep coming! Other threats to the Long Pond Greenbelt are coming hard and fast these days. The most pressing is Verizon’s plan for a 153-foot high cell tower (in the form of a stealth tree monopole) at the Sag Harbor Village property at 1310 Bridgehampton/Sag Harbor Turnpike. Property that is bordered on the north, east, and south by lands preserved by the Nature Consevancy, Suffolk County, and Southampton Town, while to the west sits the Anna & Daniel Mulvihill Preserve and the William Mulvihill Great Swamp Preserve. Tens of millions of dollars have been spent over decades to preserve the lands in the middle of which the cell tower would be located. Verizon, seeking a zoning special exception use, will participate in a pre-submission conference at the next Planning Board meeting on this Thursday, December 9. The meeting starts at 6:00 p.m.; the Verizon conference is #4 on the agenda. We urge you to step up and voice your concerns. For information on how to participate online, click here: http://southamptonny.iqm2.com/citizens.

Your support is needed! FLPG is an all-volunteer organization, so every donation goes directly to stewardship activities, educational programs, and advocacy. With the 2022 membership drive officially underway, we ask that you please take a moment, if you haven’t already, to renew or to join as a new member. And this is the perfect time of year to consider gift memberships or a special year-end donation. You may click here to join or donate online through PayPal or here to print a membership form to send with a check.

Thanks for all you do for the Long Pond Greenbelt!